Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sakit di minggu2 terakhir...


Sorry ppl, i'm having flu rite now... Well, dah dekat nak habis ni macam2 sakit yang datang.

Last month i demam kan, but without the flu. But since yesterday...i'm having a fever together with the flu, cough and sakit2 badan. Rasa nak baring je tak nak buat pape. Tapiii....there's a lot of workloads yang menanti. And pagi tadi datang lagi satu which the dateline is tomorrow. Haiyoo...sempat ke nak buat ni. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan hambaMu ini...Amin.

Eventho i tengah sakit2 badan, right now terpaksa bangun sebab sebentar lagi ada presentation Financial Accounting subject. Fuhh...hope i can do it. Gambatee!! hehe. Ohh..and tonite our batch Grand Dinner at Colliseum Ipoh. Ermm. Sure x de mood nak bersosial... But it's okay, let the others have fun. Okay, emotional dah sebab lepas ni tak jumpa mereka2 lagi... T_T

Apa2 pun, i love u guys n girls a lot!!!

Ok dah, need to siap2. chiaows... :D

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